Betty White, the renowned comedian and actress, spent her last few years in her Los Angeles home due to COVID concerns. However, she had always wished to stay in her beloved home in Carmel, California, which she shared with her late husband, Allen Ludden. White passed away on Friday at the age of 99, just weeks before her 100th birthday. Her longtime friend and agent, Jeff Witjas, revealed that she had chosen to stay in her LA home during the pandemic for safety reasons, but her true desire was to remain in Carmel.
White's home in Carmel, built in 1978 for $170,000, overlooked the ocean and spanned over 3,600 square feet.
She cherished these animals and said that she never entered the room without speaking to them and expressing her love. White's death was investigated by the Los Angeles Police Department but no foul play was suspected.
She received numerous awards and accolades throughout her career, including multiple Emmy Awards. White's love life was also notable, with her first two marriages ending in divorce. However, she found true happiness with Allen Ludden, with whom she spent 18 joyful years until his death.
She continued to entertain audiences with her iconic roles in shows like "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" and "The Golden Girls," and made a successful comeback in recent years with films like "The Proposal." In 2010, she hosted "Saturday Night Live" at the age of 88, receiving critical acclaim and winning another Emmy Award. Throughout her life, White attributed her longevity to her positive outlook on life and her ability to find humor in everyday situations.