Jalapeno Cheddar Bread!


Jalapeno Cheddar Bread

This Jalapeno Cheddar Bread features chunks of cheddar cheese and diced jalapenos mixed into a classic rustic bread. This bread makes fantastic grilled cheese sandwiches!!

5 from 6 votes

Prep Time: 30 minutesminutes

Cook Time: 45 minutesminutes

Rising Time: 4 hourshours

Total Time: 5 hourshours15 minutesminutes

Servings: 16servings

Calories: 199kcal



2cupswarm watertspcupstsp3large jalapenos8oz.Cabot Seriously Sharp Cheddar Cheesecut into ½” cubesfor dusting parchment paper¼cupshredded Cabot Seriously Sharp Cheddar Cheese


Using a small bowl, add warm water and yeast; stir until well combined. (Note: The water should be warm to the touch, but not hot.) Let mixture sit for 5 minutes.

Using a large mixing bowl, add flour and salt; stir until well combined.

Pour yeast mixture into mixing bowl; stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. (Note: The dough should come together. It will be slightly sticky, but if the dough stubbornly sticks to the side of the bowl, add 2-3 more tablespoons of flour.


If dough feels too dry, add 1 more tablespoon of water.)

Cover bowl with a kitchen towel or plastic wrap and let rise until it approximately doubles in size (~1½-2 hours).

Transfer dough to a floured work surface. Pat dough out into a flat disc. Fold dough into thirds, similar to how you might fold a letter. Rotate dough 90° and repeat process.

Transfer dough back into bowl, cover and let rise until approximately doubled in size (~1-1½ more hours).

Transfer dough back to a floured work surface. Gently press air out of dough.

Cut 4-5 slices from one of the jalapenos and set aside. (Note: These will be used on top of the bread later.



Remove the seeds and ribs from the remaining jalapenos and dice into small pieces.

Place diced jalapenos and cheese cubes on top of dough and fold dough several times until jalapenos and cheese are incorporated into the dough.

Generously sprinkle cornmeal onto a piece of parchment paper. Shape the dough into a ball and place onto parchment paper. Place dough (on parchment paper) back into mixing bowl.

Cover bowl and let dough rest for 30-40 minutes.

Meanwhile, preheat oven to 450°F. Place a covered enameled Dutch oven into the oven as it preheats.

Remove Dutch oven from oven.

Uncover dough. Using a sharp knife, score dough lightly.


(Note: I like to make 4 cuts in a square on top of the dough. Each cut is ~½” deep into the dough.)

Sprinkle shredded cheese and the sliced jalapenos on top of the dough. (Tip: If dough is too dry, brush it lightly with water so that the cheese and jalapenos will stick.)

Lift parchment paper with dough on it out of mixing bowl and carefully lower both into the hot Dutch oven.

Cover Dutch oven with lid and place in oven. Bake for 45 minutes.

Remove cover from Dutch oven and continue baking for 5-10 more minutes or until top of bread is golden brown in color. (Tip: If you have an instant read thermometer, remove the bread from the oven once it reaches 200°F.)

Let bread cool completely before slicing.

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