Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson and comedian Colin Jost tied the knot in a secret ceremony. The couple opted for an intimate wedding due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. They managed to plan and execute the event in just a matter of weeks. The details of the wedding, including the date and location, have not been revealed publicly. Johansson and Jost have been dating since 2017 and got engaged in 2019. Both have been very private about their relationship and have kept their personal lives out of the media spotlight.


Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost recently got married in a surprise ceremony at her New York home. The couple, who started dating in 2017 and got engaged in May 2019, planned the wedding in just a few weeks with close friends and family in attendance. They followed COVID-19 safety precautions and shared the news on Instagram, asking for donations to Meals On Wheels America. Johansson has been married twice before, while this is Jost's first marriage. The couple met in 2006 when Jost was a writer on SNL and Johansson was hosting the show.

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