Betty Is So Funny! 10 Golden Girls Funny Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words!


10.Aging Like A Banana

Rose may not have the wit of Dorothy or the candor of Blanche, but she has her own particular brand of wisdom. She often uses anecdotes from her hometown of St. Olaf to illustrate life lessons, and, while her quaint stories may seem hokey to some, they often do shed some sort of quirky light on problems involving the other girls.

Dorothy often makes fun of Rose for being "simple",", but that doesn't mean her simplistic observations don't have merit. Getting old doesn't have to mean stopping pursuits you had when you were young, and it doesn't mean you've outlived your usefulness.


While getting old may mean bad news for a banana, it can still be used for banana bread.

9.Feeling Cute

Despite Blanche often being given credit as the most stylish of the girls, Dorothy often created some of the most iconic looks on the show. Despite being the tallest of the four, she continued to wear long sack dresses and coats with shoulder pads and was never afraid to appear intimidating to men with her carefully coordinated silhouette.

In one notable episode, Blanche holds a reception for her "Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love" Elvis fan club at the house, where, among the memorabilia the girls gets to gawk over, is a half-eaten pork chop bone that The King left on his plate in Vegas.


  Dorothy ridicules the group for their obsession with the "artifact" and is immediately expelled from the club.

8.Cookies Are Done

A common pattern of jokes in the series involved a setup between Dorothy and Rose. Dorothy would make a statement or remark and Rose would parrot it with a question to the extreme vexation of Dorothy. She would snap back with something incredibly snarky, which would go over Rose's head but get a big reaction from the audience.

It would have been amusing to hear the girl's exchanges about topics of today. No doubt they'd have something to say about smartphones, social media, and search engines. If the show were still around today, Rose would have an uplifting Instagram account, and Dorothy would rant on Tumblr.

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