Two highly-anticipated Disney movies, Black Widow and Cruella, will now be released in theaters and on Disney+ simultaneously. This hybrid release plan aims to cater to both in-person and at-home viewers. With the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, this move allows Disney to reach a wider audience and maximize their film's potential. Black Widow, a superhero movie starring Scarlett Johansson, will be available for purchase on Disney+ with Premier Access, while Cruella, a live-action prequel to 101 Dalmatians featuring Emma Stone, will be available for free to Disney+ subscribers in certain regions.


Disney has announced changes and postponements to upcoming films, including Black Widow and Cruella, as theaters re-open amid the pandemic. Both films will now be released in theaters and on Disney+. Black Widow's premiere has been postponed to July 9, while Cruella will still premiere on May 28 but will also be available on the streaming platform. Disney has also altered plans for five other films, which will be available only in theaters. Additionally, the Pixar film Luca will be released on Disney+ on June 18. Disney's streaming platform recently surpassed 100 million global subscribers, putting it in competition with Netflix and Amazon Prime.

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