Scarlett Johansson, aged 36, recently shared her feelings of being "hypersexualised" in films during her teenage years. The acclaimed actress, known for her performances in iconic movies, remarked on the challenges she faced at a young age. Johansson expressed concerns about the way she was portrayed on screen, stating that she felt uncomfortable and objectified due to the emphasis on her attractiveness and sex appeal. This candid revelation sheds light on the pressures faced by young actors in the entertainment industry, highlighting the need for a more respectful and empowering environment.


Scarlett Johansson, the Hollywood actress, has revealed that she felt "hypersexualised" while working in the industry as a teenager. Johansson, now 36 years old, began her career as a leading actress at the age of 12. She felt typecast in certain roles during her teens and early 20s, which she believes was crafted for her by men in the industry. However, Johansson also stated that the climate in Hollywood has changed and there are now more opportunities for women. She is now one of Hollywood's biggest stars and recently married Colin Jost. There are rumors that she may be expecting a baby.

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