The final trailer of Marvel's "The Eternals" showcases Angelina Jolie as a fierce warrior. The highly-anticipated movie introduces a group of immortal beings known as the Eternals, who have secretly lived on Earth for thousands of years. In the trailer, Jolie's character, Thena, displays her formidable combat skills, wielding a sword and demonstrating her determined and fearless nature. The preview highlights the epic action sequences and diverse cast of characters that will be featured in the film, generating excitement among fans.


The final trailer for the Marvel movie The Eternals was released, showcasing the team's battle against the Deviants after the defeat of Thanos. Angelina Jolie's character, Thena, stands out in a white dress as she prepares for war and expresses the importance of protecting what they love. The film, directed by Chloé Zhao, features Gemma Chan, Richard Madden, and Salma Hayek as prominent characters. The Eternals, genetically engineered humanoid aliens, have secretly guarded Earth for thousands of years and are now revealing themselves to fight the Deviants. The movie will hit theaters on November 5.

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